Spearheaded by OBGyn physicians from across the state, the Georgia OBGyn Foundation’s mission is to strengthen the health and wellbeing of women by providing collaborative solutions for obstetrical & gynecological needs.  From provider education and professional development, to empowering women with the knowledge to lead healthy lifestyles, to the statewide dissemination of best practices, resources and technologies, the Foundation was created to identify needs, find solutions and improve women’s healthcare.

With #GivingTuesday less than a week away, we’d like to share two ways to consider supporting the GA OBGyn Foundation!


To make a direct donation, visit http://gaobgyn.org/foundation/how-to-help/ OR-You can contribute directly to the Foundation or choose the GA OBGyn Foundation Charity each time you shop on Amazon.

Next time you shop on Amazon.com, go to www.smile.amazon.com and create a Smile account or visit https://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-3966232

Select the Georgia Obstetrics and Gynecology Foundation as your charity of choice. Any time you shop for items on Amazon, be sure you are logged in to Amazon Smile, and .5% of the money spent on purchases will go to the foundation. It’s a win-win!