
Eligible Members

Any physician who is eligible for membership in a county medical society and whose practice or teaching is limited to obstetrics or gynecology or has a major interest in such fields, is eligible for membership.

Board Certification in obstetrics and gynecology is not a requirement for membership.

Click here for our Online Membership Application or for our Print-ready Membership Application.

*Residents and Medical Students should email [email protected] for discounted membership information.


Society dues are a reasonable $285 annually, $85 of which goes to support our lobbyist and $100 to GynPAC (Political Action Committee).

This low fee is possible due to the wide support of over 950 OB/Gyns throughout Georgia.

Address:  2925 Premiere Parkway, Suite 100, Duluth, GA 30097  |  Phone: 770.904.0719  |  Fax: 770.904.5251 | Follow Us:

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