Georgia AAP Webinar: ‘Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling: It’s Not Cool To Be Hot’
12:30 to 01:30

Georgia AAP facilitates an ins and outs discussion of proper vaccine storage protocol through the introduction of the ‘Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling: It’s Not Cool To Be Hot’ webinar on Wednesday, June 29th from 12:30p.m. – 1:30p.m. In this web conference attendees will be able to:

  1. Describe and identify recommended equipment needed for the proper storage and handling of vaccines
  2. Outline three procedures for the storage and handling of vaccines
  3. Locate resources for currently required and recommended storage handling practices, and lastly,
  4. Pinpoint how a pediatric practice manages vaccine storage in their office

Featured speakers for this webinar include Georgia DPH staff: Vaccine Manager/Immunization Program Deputy Director, Ben Sloat, MPH; Special Projects Coordinator, Infectious Disease & Immunization Program, Kaleisha Biggs, as well as Peachtree Park Pediatrics Clinical Supervisor, Katheryn Patterson, RN.

This webinar is moderated by Georgia AAP Committee of Infectious Disease Chair, Harry Keyserling, MD. Click here to register for this webinar. Questions about this web event can be directed to Georgia AAP’s Immunization Director, Mike Chaney by phone: (404) 881-5094 and/or by email: mchaney@gaaap.org.