The Society is pleased to provide updated information for clinicians on screening and treating pregnant or postpartum women for HiV.
Many of the materials provided in this packet can be obtained by contacting our office or directly from the Georgia Department of Public Health, HIV Perinatal Program coordinator, Prinatal HIV Program Coordinator, Infectious Disease & Immunization, Department of Public Health 2 Peachtree St. NW, 11-462, Atlanta, GA 30303, or by calling 404-657-2927.
- CDC HIV Kit: This pocket folder of Resources for HIV Screening and Revised CDC Recommendations for HIV Testing. Provides contact information for the National Perinatal HIV Telephone Consultation and Referral Service.
- Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1 Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV-1-Transmission in the United States have been revised by the Panel on Treatment of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Prevention of Perinatal Transmission. Concepts relevant to HIV management evolve rapidly. The panel has a mechanism to update recommendation on a regular basis, and the most recent information is available online and in printable format on the AIDSinfo website (
- HIV Fact Sheet: This is a pdf with facts and recommendations from the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the CDC for helping patients who are unsure about HIV screening.
- CDC Vital Signs: HIV Infection, Testing, and Risk Behaviors Among Youths — United States
- CDC Vital Signs: HIV Among Youth in the US
- CDC: HIV Among Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children Women with HIV who take antiretroviral medication during pregnancy as recommended can reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to their babies to less than 1%. CDC facts and figures on HIV, pregnancy and risks to infants.
- CDC: HIV Among Women: As of the end of 2010, one in four people living with a diagnosis of HIV infection in the United States were women. Black/African American women and Latinas are disproportionately affected by HIV infection compared with women of other races/ethnicities.
- Act Against Aids Campaign is a five-year national campaign launched by the CDC and the White House to combat complacency about HIV and AIDS in the United States.
- AMA and AAHIVM Coding Guidelines for Routine HIV Testing in Health Care Settings brochure: Can be obtained by contacting the American Medical Association, 312-464-4147, or the American Academy of HIV Medicine, 202-659-0699 or visiting the hyperlink.
- One Test, Two Lives Brochure: Facts and information on preventing pregnant women with HIV from passing HIV on to their babies.
- ACOG has many articles related to Prenatal and Perinatal HIV testing and treatment. Click on the link to view more of their information.
- Key Contacts Booklet: This is a Metro Atlanta/Georgia Resources for HIV/AIDS booklet produced by the Southeast AIDS Training and Education Center, Emory University School of Medicine, 404-727-2929 or [email protected]. You may also obtain a copy of the booklet by calling The Society office, 770-904-0719.
- The HIV & Preconception Care Toolkit, available on the ACOG website, helps physicians and HIV care providers address reproductive health issues with their patients, including preconception care, family planning and safer conception for HIV sero-discordant couples. The materials were developed by the FXB Center and the CDC. The Toolkit includes training slides, a recorded webinar, educational materials for patients, and more.
- GA Department of Public Health HIV/AIDS Surveillance Fact Sheet
- Science HIV-AIDS in America Report