The Ga OBGyn Society’s Political Action Committee (GynPAC) involves several key activities to advance legislative priorities and engage membership. ‘
GynPAC contributes to political candidates whose ideals and records align with GOGS’s legislative priorities.
This includes building and maintaining a comprehensive database of GynPAC fund recipients and their political records concerning GOGS’s priorities, soliciting and considering applications from GOGS members for suggested GynPAC contributions, and enhancing transparency in all aspects of GynPAC processes.
ACOG OBGynPAC information
Ob-GynPAC is ACOG’s federal political action committee (PAC), playing a vital role in achieving legislative and political victories for the ob-gyn specialty.
As the only national PAC in Washington, D.C., representing ob-gyns before Congress, Ob-GynPAC educates Members of Congress on issues crucial to our field and supports the election of candidates to the U.S.
House of Representatives and Senate who advocate for our priorities. Learn more here…
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